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In accordance with Diocesan regulations, Confirmation is a 2 year program; Confirmation: Level 1 (8th grade & above) Level 2 (9th grade & above)
Contact Jeanette Housecamp
Director of Faith Formation/Youth Ministry
(585) 346-3815

Sacrament of Confirmation
Confirmation: 8th grade & above

In accordance with Diocesan regulations, Confirmation is a 2 year program; Year 1 is for students in 8th grade and above
Students are expected to be at all sessions and to attend a 1 day retreat each year. If the Retreat at St. Matthew does not fit in your schedule, please see Jeanette for other Diocesan retreat dates.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is received Spring of Year 2 at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Rochester. Date is TBD by Diocese
Registration forms available at either church
There is a $25 Material Fee each year (please contact Jeanette if this is a hardship)
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