It takes many hands to help in the
day-to-day work of our Faith Community. Sharing this work is part of belonging to the family. Training is provided for all ministries and scheduling can be adjusted to meet everyone's needs. Please join us by using your gifts to support one of these ministries.

Collection Counters: The responsibility of these teams of individuals is to count the Saturday/Sunday collections, as well as any second collection or special fundraising money. They also prepare the required paperwork for use by the business manager and the deposit ticket for the bank. The collection counters ensure that the deposit made by the team the week before is accurate.
St. Mary's
Joan Madigan or Judy Donsky
(585) 229-5007
St. Matthew
Melissa Szczesniak
(585) 346-3815
Altar Linen Care: Parishioners of the faith community assist with the care and laundering of the linens used during Mass.
St. Mary's
Joan Madigan or Judy Donsky
(585) 229-5007
St. Matthew
Melissa Szczesniak
(585) 346-3815

St. Mary's Parish Life Committee: This 25-member team plans the various social activities open to the faith community and beyond.
St. Mary's
Judy Donsky
(585) 229-5007
Landscaping and Flowers: This ministry assists in the upkeep of the landscape, plantings and flowers in and around both parishes.
St. Mary's
Joan Madigan or Judy Donsky
(585) 229-5007
St. Matthew
Melissa Szczesniak
(585) 346-3815