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...Feed Your Spirit ...

...Enlighten Your Mind...

...Heal Your Emotions...


 Grow Your Relationship with God.

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Children Praying

Youth & Family Faith Formation

Grades K - 6

A child’s faith will serve as a firm foundation in the years to come. Faith Formation is not just for the children, but a shared family-faith experience. Sts. Mary & Matthew Faith Formation Ministry is here to assist you and your children grow in, and learn about the Catholic faith, while ever encouraging you to grow deeper into your relationship with Jesus.

Rel Ed k-7
Anchor 1
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Senior HighYouth Ministry

Grades 9 - 12

Assisting and guiding teens to develop and strengthen their relationship with God and their faith community through a liturgy based catechesis. Discussions, reflections, prayers, and community building experiences are included to encourage the understanding of Jesus' teachings and how to live them today.

Sacramental Preparation

Preparation is an opportunity to deepen ones awareness of the activity of God's presence and importance in our lives:


First Reconciliation: 2nd grade +

First Eucharist: 2nd grade +

Confirmation: Yr 1 8th grade +

                    Yr 2 9th grade +

Girl at First Communion
Youth Ministry
Children Reading the Holy Bible

Sharing Stories with Jesus

Pre-school & Pre-K

Pre School and Pre-K are invited back to community room after opening prayer for simplified age appropriate  readings, prayer, song, about the  message of the current week's scripture.

Parents sign out and pick up children after Mass

Stories with Jesus
Children's Liturgy

Children's Liturgy of the Word

K - 6th grade

Children are invited after the opening prayers to join us for simplified readings, prayers and discussion about the main message of the current week's scripture. Children are back in mass for the offering.

School Children
Bible Lessons

Becoming Catholic -RCIA

RCIA - The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults


  • Are you interested in exploring the Catholic faith?

  • Is someone you know interested in exploring the Catholic Faith?  

  • Do you desire Baptism, First Communion and/or Confirmation?

Becoming Catholic

Adult Faith

Our adult faith formation programs in our parish continue to invite participants to deepen their understanding of their faith and their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is in knowing Jesus intimately that we will be able to accept his call to discipleship.

Church Windows
Adult Faith
Women Voting

Women's Retreat

We meet annually at the Notre Dame Retreat House, situated on 100 picturesque acres overlooking Canandaigua Lake.  In this beautiful pastoral setting you have the opportunity to experience inspirational discussions, enlightening liturgies, private time in the Chapel or a stroll around the beautiful grounds.  Reflect & relax.

Women's Retreat
Bible Study

Bible Study

Bible Study 

Bible discussion group
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