CASE Training
All volunteers who work with children under 18 and/or vulnerable adults must complete the online training, sign a code of conduct, and fill out a form for a background check.
Creating A Safe Environment Training
Online training is mandatory for all volunteers 18 years and older.*
In person training can be arranged
See below for the online instructions
Retraining for “Creating A Safe Environment” is required every 3 years for volunteers. Training is done online.
*Creating A Safe Environment - Youth Version: Must be done in person
- Mandatory for all youth volunteers grades 9th-12th
- Next workshop date: TBA (as needed)
We have a NEW Training!!
Here are the instructions for setting up an account for our training. Some Diocesan Trainings require a cost, but CASE does not :) You will not be asked for any payment information
Once you have printed or have the instructions pulled up to reference, here is the link for the new training!
Click here to take the NEW TRAINING! (Re-certification & New Volunteers)
For initial training and retraining please print out and return the following forms to Jen:
1. Certificate of Completion of Online training
2. Background check form (RBA) Download pdf here
3. Volunteer Code of Conduct Download pdf here
4. Copy of drivers license
For more information from the Diocese on Creating a Safe Environment, please check out the link here:

Contact Jeanette Housecamp
Director of Faith Formation/Youth Ministry
(585) 346-3815
Creating A Safe Environment (CASE)